Terms of Use

The Macaronesian Palaeobiodiversity Database is a virtual e-Infrastructure dedicated to the fossil record of the archipelagos that make up the Macaronesia (Azores, Madeira, Selvagens, Canary Islands and Cabo Verde).

It aims to create a platform for optimal accessibility and sharing of scientific knowledge, providing updated and accurate information on local and regional palaeobiodiversity.

The MPDb intends to make information about the palaeontological heritage of Macaronesia freely available, at no cost to the user.
The University of the Azores represents the legal entity responsible for the MPDb. By acessing the website of the MPDb and using the content available on and through it, the user is agreeing to the Terms of Use set forth herein.

These Terms of Use may be amended at any time without notice, so it is recommended that the user checks it when visiting the MPDb website.
The MPDb seeks to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided, relying on a multidisciplinary team of researchers and specialists. Nonetheless, the MPDb cannot guarantee the total absence of errors or omissions.

The MPDb reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained on its website or in its configuration or presentation.
The MPDb reserves the right to temporarily suspend or interrupt the normal functioning of the website for any technical, administrative or force major reasons and is not responsible for any loss or damage, direct or indirect.


Unless stated otherwise, the information contained on the MPDb website can be used for personal or public use, provided that it is not intended to be offensive, and all interested parties are required to expressly and prominently identify MPDb as source.

Content accessed through the MPDb website may still be subject to specific terms and conditions imposed by the data provider. In some cases, restrictions on the use of data may be greater, requiring prior authorization for the reproduction or use of textual, numerical, or multimedia data (sounds, images, etc.).

The MPDb provides links to pages of other entities, considered to be of interest to the user. However, and despite carefully selecting these links, MPDb is not responsible for the timeliness, quality or veracity of the information made available on these sites, nor for any direct or indirect losses or damages arising therefrom.

Sui Generis Database rights

The information contained in the MPDb is protected under the Directive 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC, even if the contents contained therein are not protected by Copyright. Thus, MPDb reserves the right to request prior authorization to extract or (re)use the entirety or a significant part of its contents or non-substantial parts in a systematic way.

Attempts to change or upload information on MPDb, or any other action that may cause damage or jeopardize the integrity of the system, are strictly prohibited, and will be punished in accordance with current legislation.

The use of the information contained on the MPDb website is the sole responsibility of the user.

For any further clarification on the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of this site, please contact us at macpaleo@uac.pt.

Updated on may 6, 2023