Privacy Policy

The Macaronesian Palaeobiodiversity Database (MPDb), assumes a privacy policy commitment on registration, disclosure of use, transfer and storage of personal and non-personal information submitted to the MPDb. Each time you submit information to MPDb, you agree its MPDb’s Privacy Policy, as expressed bellow below.

The MPDb reserves the right to alter the Privacy Policy expressed here at any time and without prior notice, so it is recommended that the user verify whenever they visit the MPDb site.

Data protection

The MPDb considers itself committed to the regulatory requirements and the obligations imposed by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. Accordingly, the MPDB’s Personal Data Protection Policy is directly applicable to all operations carried out within the scope of MPDb’s activities.

The privacy policy set forth herein is applied to all our users regardless of their residency, location, or citizenship.

The privacy policy set forth herein is applicable only to the MPDb website,
The MPDb does not guarantee that it will be adopted on the sites accessed through links made available on the MPDb, nor on other sites that provide the MPDb link.

Cookies Policy

Cookies are small text files that are stored onthe user’s computer or mobile device through the used browser, keeping only generic information related to user preferences.

They enable a faster and more efficient navigation, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.

The registration of personal data of Cookies by the site of the MPDb, includes only the information strictly necessary to improve the performance and user experience in their interactions with the MPDb.
Thus, the personal data collected by Cookies of the MPB site includes only technical information related to visits to this website and is limited to the following elements:

  • IP address (Internet Protocol) of the visitor and respective geographic origin (city, country);
  • language;
  • type of device used to access the MPDb site;
  • device operating system;
  • type of Internet browser used by the website visitor;

The Cookies associated with the MPDb can only be read by the website and by the user, who can delete them if they so wish. None of the cookies at the MPDb site stores personal information about users, such as their name or address.

By clicking on the cookie’s banner or continuing to browse the UAc portal, website users are accepting the insertion of cookies on the respective devices used to access MPDb site.

The restriction of cookies may affect the functionality of, and their deletion or blocking may limit access to some areas of it.

Every user of the website,  is obliged to accept and respect the conditions expressed here.

For any further clarification on the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of this site, please contact us at

Updated on may 6, 2023