What is the MPDb?

The Macaronesian Palaeobiodiversity Database is a virtual e-Infrastructure dedicated to the fossil record of the archipelagos that compose the Macaronesia (Azores, Madeira, Selvagens, Canary Islands and Cabo Verde).


The MPDb aims to accommodate data from the Macaronesian fossiliferous outcrops, including the palaeobidiversity present.

Citizen Science

Citizen scientists have been crucial in the development of palaeontology as they provide material, information and above all offer a much-needed extra support where scientific or institutional resources are insufficient.

What is the MPDb?

The Macaronesian Palaeobiodiversity Database is a virtual e-Infrastructure dedicated to the fossil record of the archipelagos that compose the Macaronesia (Azores, Madeira, Selvagens, Canary Islands and Cabo Verde).

It aims to create a platform for optimal accessibility and sharing of scientific knowledge, providing updated and accurate information on local and regional palaebiodiversity. MPDb also aims to constitute a powerful tool for effective policymaking, for the promotion of the palaeontological heritage of the Macaronesia and to foster its conservation.

The platform is currently under development, but we promise to give news shortly!


The MPDb aims to accommodate data from the Macaronesian fossiliferous outcrops, including the palaeobidiversity present.

Data quality is controlled by the MPDb team of researchers and experts, and derives from published data, field work observations and palaeontological collections.

In other words, by having researchers as data producers and end-users, it will create a persistent cycle of data and information updates.

Citizen science

Citizen scientists have been crucial in the development of palaeontology as they provide material, information and above all offer a much-needed extra support where scientific or institutional resources are insufficient.

The MPDb aims to contribute to science literacy in/about the Macaronesian archipelagos, adressing local deficiencies in education curriculums, working closely with schools, science centers and local NGOs.

Museum Collections

MPDb aims to advance current natural history collections applications and resources, by constructing a bridge between the digital world and local reference collections.

The resulting collaboration between these institutions will serve as a framework for the design of tool sets for the digitization, updating, standardization and integration of collections.